A Tail of SeDUCKtion: A CCH3 White Dress Event
1625 Union Ave
Baltimore, MD 21211
A Tail of SeDUCKtion: A CCH3 White Dress Event
A match made in fowl heaven!
Black Don’t Quack and Fuck a Duck, birds of a feather
Have decided to permanently flock together
In celebration of vows professed,
Please don a white dress
And join them for a wedding waddle in the September weather!
A limited edition (and limited number) of wedding patches will be available for the occasion. Preference will go to those who incorporate duck-forward themes into their white dress ensemble. Fowl play encouraged.
Where: Prelube will start at Waverly BrewingTap Room
Waverly Brewing Co.
When: Saturday, September 29th 2018
Pre-lube 4:00pm. Quack away at 5:00pm.
Cost: $6 ($6.50 for plastic)
Hares: Fuck a Duck and Black Don’t Quack – 818-584-6016 / 617-852-2574
Hares’ notes: Trail is A to A’. There will be a runners’ and a waddlers’ trail! Trail is dog and stroller friendly. Cum celebrate with us!!
On-After: TBD
–Fuck a Duck and Black Don’t Quack